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CBM Australia’s International Disability Equity and Rights Strategy submission

CBM Australia's submission to the development of Australia's new international disability equity and rights strategy.

Disability equity within humanitarian preparedness response and recovery

This briefing paper explores the context around disability inclusion in different elements of humanitarian action and provides recommendations and case studies of CBM Australia’s programming.

Missing voices: Inclusion of women with disabilities in gender programming and women’s movements

This paper identifies good practice in the involvement of women with disabilities in mainstream gender programming, as well as women’s movements, within the Indo-Pacific region.

Re-establishing DFAT’s leadership on disability equity and rights

This briefing explores a tool that can support DFAT to achieve the aim to be a strong and consistent advocate for disability equity and rights.

Gender Equality and Disability Equity: An intersectional approach

This paper summarises key contexts related to women with disabilities, at a time when DFAT is developing strategies for both gender equality and disability equity. It draws from CBM’s submissions to the International Gender Equality Strategy development process and includes a summary of key recommendations.

Rebuilding Disability Inclusion in Australia’s International Development Program

Includes a set of 11 important policy recommendations made by CBM Australia and Australia’s peak representative body on disability inclusion in the aid program, the Australian Disability and Development Consortium (ADDC).

Lessons learned from partnerships with organisations of people with disabilities: CBM report

What do Organisations of People with Disability value about working with CBM? And where could we do better? How we are responding to work more equitably with the disability movement.

Leave No One Behind

CBM’s Leave No One Behind series makes a case for disability inclusion in international development.